A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween handles the logics of tweening the Position of a Transform
| RaTweenPosition (Transform target, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float duration) |
| RaTweenPosition (Transform target, Vector3 endPos, float duration) |
| RaTweenPosition (Transform target, Vector3 startPos, Transform endPos, float duration) |
RaTweenPosition | SetLocalPosition (bool isLocal=true) |
| Makes it so the start and end position represent values in local space rather than world space More...
RaTweenPosition | SetExcludeAxis (Axis excludeAxes) |
| Makes it so the given axes are excluded from the tween. So they remain the value they have at the moments of evaluation More...
RaTweenPosition | OnlyIncludeAxis (Axis inclAxes) |
| Makes it so the given axes which are not specified by the input are excluded. So they remain the value they have at the moments of evaluation More...
| RaTweenDynamic (TargetT target, ValueT start, ValueT end, float duration) |
| RaTweenDynamic (TargetT target, ValueT end, float duration) |
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | From () |
| Makes it so the End value set within the tween becomes the start value And the start value becomes the value currently set within the target
Note: This method Disables SetStartDynamic(bool)
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetStartValue (ValueT start) |
| This API call Sets the start value of the tween.
Note: This makes it so the SetStartRef(TargetT) is cleared.
Note: This makes it so the SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to false
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetStartRef (TargetT start) |
| This API call Sets the start reference of the tween. The tween will copy the value from the reference to determine its start value at runtime. SetDynamicSetupStep(RaTweenDynamicSetupStep) to see when this value is calculated
Note: this makes it so the SetStartValue(ValueT) is cleared.
Note: This makes it so the SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to false
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetEndValue (ValueT end) |
| This API call Sets the end value of the tween.
Note: this makes it so the SetEndRef(TargetT) is cleared.
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetEndRef (TargetT end) |
| This API call Sets the end reference of the tween. The tween will copy the value from the reference to determine its end value at runtime. SetDynamicSetupStep(RaTweenDynamicSetupStep) to see when this value is calculated
Note: this makes it so the SetEndValue(ValueT) is cleared.
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetTarget (TargetT target) |
| This API call Sets target on which to apply the tween This target will be tweening from the start value to the end value More...
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetEndIsDelta (bool enabled=true) |
| Makes it so the value set within the end value or reference is calculated as delta at runtime So an end value of 5 while the target is at value 20 would result in a final end value of 25. SetDynamicSetupStep(RaTweenDynamicSetupStep) to see when this value is calculated More...
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetStartDynamic (bool enabled=true) |
| Makes it so the value set within the start value or reference is ignored and rather the value at which the object is at calculation time has is used as start value. SetDynamicSetupStep(RaTweenDynamicSetupStep) to see when this value is calculated More...
RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | SetDynamicSetupStep (RaTweenDynamicSetupStep step) |
| Determines when the SetStartDynamic(bool) and the SetEndIsDelta(bool) are calculated Read RaTweenDynamicSetupStep for the details on the calculation steps
Note: When set to RaTweenDynamicSetupStep.Start, it recalculates the values on each loop
override RaTweenDynamic< Transform, Vector3 > | DynamicClone () |
override void | DynamicEvaluation (float normalizedValue, Transform target, Vector3 start, Vector3 end) |
override Vector3 | ReadValue (Transform reference) |
override Vector3 | GetEndByDelta (Vector3 start, Vector3 delta) |
abstract RaTweenDynamic< TargetT, ValueT > | DynamicClone () |
abstract ValueT | GetEndByDelta (ValueT start, ValueT delta) |
abstract ValueT | ReadValue (TargetT reference) |
override void | SetDefaultValues () |
override void | ApplyRewind (bool resumeAfterRewind) |
override RaTween | RaTweenClone () |
override void | OnSetup () |
override void | OnStart () |
override void | Evaluate (float normalizedValue) |
override void | Dispose () |
abstract void | DynamicEvaluation (float normalizedValue, TargetT target, ValueT start, ValueT end) |
A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween handles the logics of tweening the Position of a Transform
Note: RaTweenUtilExtensions for all extension methods