static TweenT | SetEasing< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaEasingType easing) |
| The curve with which to evaluate from the start value to the end value
Note: Specifies the RaEasingType. By default it is RaEasingType.Linear
static TweenT | SetEasing< TweenT > (this TweenT self, AnimationCurve easing, bool inclDuration=false) |
| The curve with which to evaluate from the start value to the end value
Note: Makes it so the set RaEasingType is replaced with an animation curve
static TweenT | SetModifier< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaModifierType modifier) |
| Sets an evaluation modifier which changes the way the tween is evaluated For example, the RaModifierType.Reverse makes it so the same tween is evaluated in reverse. More...
static TweenT | SetModifier< TweenT > (this TweenT self, AnimationCurve modifier) |
| Makes it so the set RaModifierType is replaced with an animation curve More...
static TweenT | Play< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| This registers a tween to the gobal tween evaluation system (RaTweeningEngine) in order to play it More...
static TweenT | OnSetup< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Setup event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Setup occurs The Setup is triggered when a tween is registered into the system. This happens once in a tween's lifetime.
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | OnStart< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Start event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Start occurs The Start is triggered when a tween is started. This happens after the Delay has finished of a tween
Note: In a loop this will thus happen after every Delay in each loop
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | OnUpdate< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Update event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Update occurs The Update is triggered whenever the Tween is Evaluated More...
static TweenT | OnLoop< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.LoopCallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Loop event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Loop occurs The Loop is triggered when a tween is entering a new loop cycle.
Note: The first play of a tween does NOT trigger a Loop callback, only after the first cycle (and each following cycle) has been finished
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | OnComplete< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Complete event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Complete occurs The Complete is triggered when a tween has completed all its cycles, or is manually completed through RaTweenBase.Complete
Note: Complete does not trigger when a tween is pre-maturely ended / never finished
Note: Complete is not reached through the normal flow when RaTweenBase.IsInfinite or RaTweenBase.IsInfiniteLoop are true
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | OnEnd< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the End event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the End occurs The End is triggered after Completion, or is manually ended through RaTweenBase.Stop
Note: End is not reached through the normal flow when RaTweenBase.IsInfinite or RaTweenBase.IsInfiniteLoop are true
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | OnKill< TweenT > (this TweenT self, RaTweenBase.CallbackHandler callback) |
| This API call listens to the Kill event of the tween. And will make it so the callback is fired when the Kill occurs The Kill is triggered after a tween was completed or when it was manually ended through RaTweenBase.Stop
Note: All callbacks are automatically cleaned when a tween is killed
static TweenT | SetLooping< TweenT > (this TweenT self, int loopAmount) |
| This API call Sets the amount of times the tween should loop. 0 == No Loops, only play once -1 == Infinite Looping (RaTweenBase.InfiniteLoopingValue) 1 or greater == Loop Amount
Note: The loops are excluding the delay, to include the delay for each loop, call SetLoopingIncludesDelay<TweenT>(TweenT, bool)
static TweenT | SetLoopingIncludesDelay< TweenT > (this TweenT self, bool loopingIncludesDelay=true) |
| This API call Sets whether or not the loop should include the delay When False is passed, the delay will only be applied at the start of the tween. And excluded from the looping process.
Note: By default it is set to false
static TweenT | SetInfiniteLooping< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| This API call Sets the tween to loop infinitely -1 == Infinite Looping (RaTweenBase.InfiniteLoopingValue) More...
static TweenT | DisableLooping< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| This API call Sets the tween to loop infinitely 0 == No Loops, only play once More...
static TweenT | SetDelay< TweenT > (this TweenT self, float delay) |
| This API call Sets the delay until the tween starts playing in seconds
Note: A Delay causes the tween to not evaluate its content until the delay has passed
static TweenT | SetPauseOnEnd< TweenT > (this TweenT self, bool pauseOnEnd=true) |
| This API call sets the RaTweenBase.PauseOnEnd, which, when true, Pauses the Tween on the End of it This prevents it from being Killed by the RaTweeningProcessor More...
static TweenT | SetGroup< TweenT > (this TweenT self, object groupID) |
| Sets the GroupID of the Tween.
Note: When the tween is Submitted to a Processor, only then does the tween become part of the GroupID it is assigned to.
Note: A Tween is Submitted to a Processor when it is Registered to the RaTweeningEngine (When Play<TweenT>(TweenT) is called on it)
static TweenT | ClearGroup< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| Clears the GroupID of the Tween set using SetGroup<TweenT>(TweenT, object)
Note: When the tween is Submitted to a Processor, only then does the tween become part of the GroupID it is assigned to.
Note: A Tween is Submitted to a Processor when it is Registered to the RaTweeningEngine (When Play<TweenT>(TweenT) is called on it)
static TweenT | SetTimeScale< TweenT > (this TweenT self, float timeScale) |
| Sets the TimeScale of the Tween. Which changes the Delay and Evaluation speed.
Note: This will multiply the value of the set ITimeScaleChannel. If none is set, this will be the leading TimeScale value.
Note: This can be called at any state of the tween
static TweenT | SetToRealTime< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| Sets the ITimeScaleChannel of the Tween to Null . Which changes the Delay and Evaluation speed.
Note: This can be called at any state of the tween
Note: This makes it so the tweens TimeScaleValue is multiplied by 1 (so running on Real Time)
static TweenT | SetToGameTime< TweenT > (this TweenT self) |
| Sets the ITimeScaleChannel of the Tween to GameTimeScaleChannel. Which changes the Delay and Evaluation speed.
Note: This can be called at any state of the tween
Note: This makes it so the tweens TimeScaleValue is multiplied by Time.timeScale from Unity
static TweenT | SetTimeScaleChannel< TweenT > (this TweenT self, ITimeScaleChannel timeScaleChannel) |
| Sets the ITimeScaleChannel of the Tween. Which changes the Delay and Evaluation speed.
Note: This can be called at any state of the tween
static EntryData | ToSequenceEntry (this RaTweenBase tween, float stagger=1f, StaggerType staggerType=StaggerType.FinalLoopExclDelay) |
| Creates an EntryData containing the given tween and its specified settings
Note: The stagger has no effect when the tween is the last in the sequence
Note: The OnComplete is called when all tweens are finished, even if the last tween has a stagger lower than 1.
static EntryData | ToSequenceEntry (this Action callback) |
| Creates an EntryData containing the given callback
Note: A callback has a duration of 0
Note: Consecutive callbacks are all executed within the same frame
static RaTweenPitch | TweenPitch (this AudioSource self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Pitch.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPitch | TweenPitch (this AudioSource self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Pitch. More...
static RaTweenPitch | TweenPitch (this AudioSource self, float startValue, AudioSource endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Pitch. More...
static RaTweenVolume | TweenVolume (this AudioSource self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Volume.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenVolume | TweenVolume (this AudioSource self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Volume. More...
static RaTweenVolume | TweenVolume (this AudioSource self, float startValue, AudioSource endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the AudioSource's Volume. More...
static RaTweenAspect | TweenAspect (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Aspect Ratio.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAspect | TweenAspect (this Camera self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Aspect Ratio. More...
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorR (this Camera self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorG (this Camera self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorB (this Camera self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorA (this Camera self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Camera self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor Channel.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Camera self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's BackgroundColor Channel. More...
static RaTweenFarClipPlane | TweenFarClipPlane (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Far Clipping Plane.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenFarClipPlane | TweenFarClipPlane (this Camera self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Far Clipping Plane. More...
static RaTweenFieldOfView | TweenFieldOfView (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Perspective FieldOfView.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenFieldOfView | TweenFieldOfView (this Camera self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Perspective FieldOfView. More...
static RaTweenNearClipPlane | TweenNearClipPlane (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Near Clipping Plane.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenNearClipPlane | TweenNearClipPlane (this Camera self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Near Clipping Plane. More...
static RaTweenOrthoSize | TweenOrthoSize (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Orthographic Size.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenOrthoSize | TweenOrthoSize (this Camera self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Orthographic Size. More...
static RaTweenRect | TweenRectX (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect's X Axis
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRect | TweenRectY (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect's Y Axis
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRect | TweenRectWidth (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect's Width
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRect | TweenRectHeight (this Camera self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect's Height
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRect | TweenRect (this Camera self, Rect rect, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect.
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRect | TweenRect (this Camera self, Rect startRect, Rect endRect, float duration) |
| Tweens the Camera's Rect.
Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
static RaTweenAngle | TweenAngle (this Light self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Angle.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAngle | TweenAngle (this Light self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Angle. More...
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorR (this Light self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorG (this Light self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorB (this Light self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorA (this Light self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Light self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color Channel.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Light self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Color Channel. More...
static RaTweenIntensity | TweenIntensity (this Light self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Intensity.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenIntensity | TweenIntensity (this Light self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Intensity. More...
static RaTweenRange | TweenRange (this Light self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Range.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRange | TweenRange (this Light self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Light's Range. More...
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorR (this Material self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorG (this Material self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorB (this Material self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorA (this Material self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColor (this Material self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColor (this Material self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color Property. More...
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Material self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialFloat(Material, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Material self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Material self, string propertyName, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialFloat(Material, int, float, float, float)) is more efficient.
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Material self, int propertyID, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property. More...
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenMaterialOffsetX (this Material self, float offsetX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureOffset's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenMaterialOffsetY (this Material self, float offsetY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureOffset's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenMaterialOffset (this Material self, Vector2 offset, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureOffset to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenMaterialOffset (this Material self, Vector2 startOffset, Vector2 endOffset, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureOffset to the given value More...
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenMaterialScaleX (this Material self, float scaleX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureScale's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenMaterialScaleY (this Material self, float scaleY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureScale's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenMaterialScale (this Material self, Vector2 scale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureScale to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenMaterialScale (this Material self, Vector2 startScale, Vector2 endScale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's TextureScale to the given value More...
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4X (this Material self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's X Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4X(Material, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Y (this Material self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's Y Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4Y(Material, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Z (this Material self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's Z Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4Z(Material, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4W (this Material self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's W Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4W(Material, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4X (this Material self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's X Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Y (this Material self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's Y Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Z (this Material self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's Z Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4W (this Material self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property's W Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Material self, string propertyName, Vector4 value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4(Material, int, Vector4, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Material self, int propertyID, Vector4 value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Material self, string propertyName, Vector4 startValue, Vector4 endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4(Material, int, Vector4, Vector4, float)) is more efficient.
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Material self, int propertyID, Vector4 startValue, Vector4 endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Vector4 Property. More...
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorR (this Renderer self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorG (this Renderer self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorB (this Renderer self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColorA (this Renderer self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColor (this Renderer self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialColor | TweenMaterialColor (this Renderer self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Color Property. More...
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialFloat(Renderer, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialFloat(Renderer, int, float, float, float)) is more efficient.
static RaTweenMaterialFloat | TweenMaterialFloat (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Material's Float Property. More...
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenRendererOffsetX (this Renderer self, float offsetX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureOffset's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenRendererOffsetY (this Renderer self, float offsetY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureOffset's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenRendererOffset (this Renderer self, Vector2 offset, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureOffset to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialOffset | TweenRendererOffset (this Renderer self, Vector2 startOffset, Vector2 endOffset, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureOffset to the given value More...
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenRendererScaleX (this Renderer self, float scaleX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureScale's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenRendererScaleY (this Renderer self, float scaleY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureScale's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenRendererScale (this Renderer self, Vector2 scale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureScale to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialScale | TweenRendererScale (this Renderer self, Vector2 startScale, Vector2 endScale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's TextureScale to the given value More...
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4X (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's X Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4X(Renderer, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Y (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's Y Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4Y(Renderer, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Z (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's Z Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4Z(Renderer, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4W (this Renderer self, string propertyName, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's W Axis.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4W(Renderer, int, float, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4X (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's X Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Y (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's Y Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4Z (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's Z Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4W (this Renderer self, int propertyID, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property's W Axis.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Renderer self, string propertyName, Vector4 value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4(Renderer, int, Vector4, float)) is more efficient.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Renderer self, int propertyID, Vector4 value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Renderer self, string propertyName, Vector4 startValue, Vector4 endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property.
Note: Doing it by ID (Calling TweenMaterialVector4(Renderer, int, Vector4, Vector4, float)) is more efficient.
static RaTweenMaterialVector4 | TweenMaterialVector4 (this Renderer self, int propertyID, Vector4 startValue, Vector4 endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Renderer's Vector4 Property. More...
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorR (this SpriteRenderer self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorG (this SpriteRenderer self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorB (this SpriteRenderer self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorA (this SpriteRenderer self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this SpriteRenderer self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color Channel.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this SpriteRenderer self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer's Color Channel. More...
static RaTweenSpriteSequence | TweenSpriteSequence (this SpriteRenderer self, Sprite[] sprites, float duration) |
| Tweens the SpriteRenderer through a sequence of Sprites.
Note: A linear sequence would mean a linear animation, a curve would cause the animation to sit on a sprite for longer.
Note: Overshooting in value causes the sprites to wrap around the sequence, so an overshoot of 1.1 would go from the last sprite to the first sprite
static RaTweenPunchPosition | TweenPunchPos (this Transform self, Vector3 punch, float duration, int vibrato=10, float elasticity=1f) |
| Tweens a Punch on the Transform's Local Position More...
static RaTweenPunchRotation | TweenPunchRot (this Transform self, Vector3 punch, float duration, int vibrato=10, float elasticity=1f) |
| Tweens a Punch on the Transform's Local Rotation More...
static RaTweenPunchScale | TweenPunchScale (this Transform self, Vector3 punch, float duration, int vibrato=10, float elasticity=1f) |
| Tweens a Punch on the Transform's Scale More...
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMoveX (this Transform self, float posX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position's X Axis to the given location
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMoveY (this Transform self, float posY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position's Y Axis to the given location
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMoveZ (this Transform self, float posZ, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position's Z Axis to the given location
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMove (this Transform self, Vector3 pos, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position to the given location
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMove (this Transform self, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position to the given location More...
static RaTweenPosition | TweenMove (this Transform self, Vector3 startPos, Transform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Position to the given reference target's position More...
static RaTweenRotation | TweenRotateX (this Transform self, float rotX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRotation | TweenRotateY (this Transform self, float rotY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRotation | TweenRotateZ (this Transform self, float rotZ, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation's Z Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRotation | TweenRotate (this Transform self, Vector3 rot, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenRotation | TweenRotate (this Transform self, Vector3 startRot, Vector3 endRot, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation to the given location More...
static RaTweenScale | TweenRotate (this Transform self, Vector3 startRot, Transform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Rotation to the given reference target's rotation More...
static RaTweenScale | TweenScaleX (this Transform self, float scaleX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScale | TweenScaleY (this Transform self, float scaleY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScale | TweenScaleZ (this Transform self, float scaleZ, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale's Z Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScale | TweenScale (this Transform self, float scale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale to the given value
Note: Affects all Axes
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScale | TweenScale (this Transform self, float startScale, float endScale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale to the given location
Note: Affects all Axes
static RaTweenScale | TweenScale (this Transform self, Vector3 scale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScale | TweenScale (this Transform self, Vector3 startScale, Vector3 endScale, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale to the given location More...
static RaTweenScale | TweenScale (this Transform self, Vector3 startScale, Transform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the Transform's Scale to the given reference target's scale More...
static RaTweenShakePosition | TweenShakePos (this Transform self, float shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f, bool ignoreZAxis=true) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Local Position
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenShakePosition | TweenShakePos (this Transform self, Vector3 shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Local Position
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenShakeRotation | TweenShakeRot (this Transform self, float shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f, bool ignoreZAxis=true) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Local Rotation
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenShakeRotation | TweenShakeRot (this Transform self, Vector3 shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Local Rotation
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenShakeScale | TweenShakeScale (this Transform self, float shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f, bool ignoreZAxis=true) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Scale
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenShakeScale | TweenShakeScale (this Transform self, Vector3 shake, float duration, int vibrato=10, float randomness=90f) |
| Tweens a Shake on the Transform's Scale
Note: Recommended range is between 0 to 90
static RaTweenAlpha | TweenAlpha (this CanvasGroup self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the CanvasGroup's Alpha Value.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAlpha | TweenAlpha (this CanvasGroup self, float startAlpha, float endAlpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the CanvasGroup's Alpha Value. More...
static RaTweenAlpha | TweenAlpha (this CanvasGroup self, float startAlpha, CanvasGroup endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the CanvasGroup's Alpha Value. More...
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorR (this Graphic self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorG (this Graphic self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorB (this Graphic self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorA (this Graphic self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Graphic self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color Channel.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Graphic self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Graphic's Color Channel. More...
static RaTweenFill | TweenFill (this Image self, float fill, float duration) |
| Tweens the Image's Fill Value.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenFill | TweenFill (this Image self, float startFill, float endFill, float duration) |
| Tweens the Image's Fill Value. More...
static RaTweenSpriteSequence | TweenSpriteSequence (this Image self, Sprite[] sprites, float duration) |
| Tweens the Image through a sequence of Sprites.
Note: A linear sequence would mean a linear animation, a curve would cause the animation to sit on a sprite for longer.
Note: Overshooting in value causes the sprites to wrap around the sequence, so an overshoot of 1.1 would go from the last sprite to the first sprite
static RaTweenAnchorMax | TweenAnchorMaxX (this RectTransform self, float maxX, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMax's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMax | TweenAnchorMaxY (this RectTransform self, float maxY, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMax's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMax | TweenAnchorMax (this RectTransform self, Vector2 max, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMax to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMax | TweenAnchorMax (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startMax, Vector2 endMax, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMax to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorMax | TweenAnchorMax (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startMax, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMax to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorMin | TweenAnchorMinX (this RectTransform self, float minX, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMin's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMin | TweenAnchorMinY (this RectTransform self, float minY, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMin's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMin | TweenAnchorMin (this RectTransform self, Vector2 min, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMin to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorMin | TweenAnchorMin (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startMin, Vector2 endMin, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMin to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorMin | TweenAnchorMin (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startMin, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchorMin to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorPos | TweenAnchorPosX (this RectTransform self, float posX, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos | TweenAnchorPosY (this RectTransform self, float posY, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos | TweenAnchorPos (this RectTransform self, Vector2 pos, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos | TweenAnchorPos (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorPos | TweenAnchorPos (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startPos, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3DX (this RectTransform self, float posX, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3DY (this RectTransform self, float posY, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3DZ (this RectTransform self, float posZ, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D's Z Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3D (this RectTransform self, Vector3 pos, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3D (this RectTransform self, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D to the given value More...
static RaTweenAnchorPos3D | TweenAnchorPos3D (this RectTransform self, Vector3 startPos, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's AnchoredPosition3D to the given value More...
static RaTweenPivot | TweenPivotX (this RectTransform self, float pivotX, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's Pivot's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPivot | TweenPivotY (this RectTransform self, float pivotY, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's Pivot's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPivot | TweenPivot (this RectTransform self, Vector2 pivot, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's Pivot to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenPivot | TweenPivot (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startPivot, Vector2 endPivot, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's Pivot to the given value
Note: Changing the Pivot at Runtime causes the actual position of the object to change.
static RaTweenPivot | TweenPivot (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startPivot, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's Pivot to the given value
Note: Changing the Pivot at Runtime causes the actual position of the object to change.
static RaTweenSizeDelta | TweenSizeWidth (this RectTransform self, float width, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's SizeDelta's Width to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenSizeDelta | TweenSizeHeight (this RectTransform self, float height, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's SizeDelta's Height to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenSizeDelta | TweenSize (this RectTransform self, Vector2 size, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's SizeDelta to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenSizeDelta | TweenSize (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startSize, Vector2 endSize, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's SizeDelta to the given value More...
static RaTweenSizeDelta | TweenSize (this RectTransform self, Vector2 startSize, RectTransform endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the RectTransform's SizeDelta to the given value More...
static RaTweenScrollPos | TweenScrollPosX (this ScrollRect self, float normalizedPosX, float duration) |
| Tweens the ScrollRect's NormalizedPosition's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScrollPos | TweenScrollPosY (this ScrollRect self, float normalizedPosY, float duration) |
| Tweens the ScrollRect's NormalizedPosition's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScrollPos | TweenScrollPos (this ScrollRect self, Vector2 normalizedPos, float duration) |
| Tweens the ScrollRect's NormalizedPosition to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScrollPos | TweenScrollPos (this ScrollRect self, Vector2 startNormalizedPos, Vector2 endNormalizedPos, float duration) |
| Tweens the ScrollRect's NormalizedPosition to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenScrollPos | TweenScrollPos (this ScrollRect self, Vector2 startNormalizedPos, ScrollRect endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the ScrollRect's NormalizedPosition to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorR (this Shadow self, float red, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color's Red Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorG (this Shadow self, float green, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color's Green Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorB (this Shadow self, float blue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color's Blue Channel
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColorA (this Shadow self, float alpha, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color's Alpha Channel.
Note: This can be used for Fading.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Shadow self, Color color, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color Channel.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenColor | TweenColor (this Shadow self, Color startColor, Color endColor, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Color Channel. More...
static RaTweenDistance | TweenDistanceX (this Shadow self, float distanceX, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Distance's X Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenDistance | TweenDistanceY (this Shadow self, float distanceY, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Distance's Y Axis to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenDistance | TweenDistance (this Shadow self, Vector2 distance, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Distance to the given value
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenDistance | TweenDistance (this Shadow self, Vector2 startDistance, Vector2 endDistance, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Distance to the given value More...
static RaTweenDistance | TweenDistance (this Shadow self, Vector2 startDistance, Shadow endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the Shadow's Distance to the given value More...
static RaTweenValue | TweenValue (this Slider self, float value, float duration) |
| Tweens the Slider's Value.
Note: Through this method, the RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT>.SetStartDynamic(bool) is set to true
static RaTweenValue | TweenValue (this Slider self, float startValue, float endValue, float duration) |
| Tweens the Slider's Value. More...
static RaTweenValue | TweenValue (this Slider self, float startValue, Slider endTarget, float duration) |
| Tweens the Slider's Value. More...