RaTweening 1.0.0
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Classes | Enumerations
RaTweening Namespace Reference


interface  IDynamicTween
interface  IRaTweenTarget
class  RaColorOptions
 This Util class hold the tools to exclude various color channels from tweening calculations More...
class  RaRectOptions
 This Util class hold the tools to exclude various Values of a Rect from tweening calculations More...
class  RaTween
 This is the base tween class which is used to define all tweens using easings and easing modifiers More...
class  RaTweenBase
 The base RaTween class from which all tweens inherit from.

‍Note: By Default, a tween runs in RealTime. To change it to GameTime, call RaTweenUtilExtensions.SetToGameTime<TweenT>(TweenT)

class  RaTweenDynamic
 This is the base tween class which is used to define all tweens which tween from one value to another affecting a target
This tween type can use a value or reference as start and end value
This tween type can SetStartDynamic(bool) to live calculate its start value
This tween type can use SetEndIsDelta(bool) to live calculate its end value
This tween type can use SetDynamicSetupStep(RaTweenDynamicSetupStep) to determine when to calculate the SetStartDynamic(bool) and SetEndIsDelta(bool) values
This is the main used base class for most of the tweening functionalities

‍Note: Dynamic values don't work well together with modified tween evaluations for they rely heavily on the start and end position being in sequence.

class  RaTweenerComponent
 The Component that allows for making Tweens within the editor. This component is used to create tweens without code or have visual designers create tweens which are triggered by code This system uses RaTweening.Core.Elements.RaTweenerElementBase inheritors to serialize the data of tweens More...
class  RaTweenerElementAttribute
 This attribute is used to bind a tween to a RaTweening.Core.Elements.RaTweenerElementBase which will represent their serialization. This should be placed above the class of a RaTweenBase inheritor. More...
class  RaTweenLambda
 This class contains all the Lambda.RaTweenLambdaBase<ValueT> methods to create / play Lambda tweens.

‍Note: Lambda Tweens are used to create a tween where you can define the setter logics of the tween yourself in code. (for when you try to do custom logics or the tween does not have a clear target)

class  RaTweenSequence
 This class takes control over all appended tweens submitted as sequence entries and evaluates them in sequence. OnComplete is called when all tweens have finished inside of it.

‍Note: A RaTweenSequence is constructed using the RaTweenSequence.Create(EntryData[]) method
Note: Tweens can be converted easily to EntryData using the RaTweenUtilExtensions.ToSequenceEntry(RaTweenBase, float, StaggerType) method

class  RaTweenUtilExtensions
 This is the class which represents all RaTweenUtilExtensions This class has been made so various utils can be used on a tween without losing the type reference of the original tween which is being modified. More...
class  RaVector2Options
 This Util class hold the tools to exclude various axes in 2D space from tweening calculations More...
class  RaVector3Options
 This Util class hold the tools to exclude various axes in 3D space from tweening calculations More...
class  RaVector4Options
 This Util class hold the tools to exclude various axes in 4D space from tweening calculations More...


enum  RaEasingType
 Each of the enum values represents an evaluation curve. See https://easings.net for more details on what each of the terms represents
enum  RaModifierType
 Each of the enum values represents an modifier curve.
enum  RaPropertyType
 Enum Representing Various Value Types which can be passed to a Material
enum  RaPropertyDefaultType
 Enum Representing Various Value Types which can be passed to a Material

‍Note: This includes a Default value which would direct the default material value for the given tween

enum  RaTweenDynamicSetupStep
 The Calculation Step of Dynamic values