RaTweening 1.0.0
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RaTweening.RaCamera Namespace Reference


class  RaTweenAspect
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Aspect Ratio of a Camera More...
class  RaTweenColor
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween handles the logics of tweening the BackgroundColor of a Camera

‍Note: This can also be used for fading logics
Note: RaTweenUtilExtensions for all extension methods

class  RaTweenFarClipPlane
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Far Clipping Plane of a Camera More...
class  RaTweenFieldOfView
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Perspective FieldOfView of a Camera

‍Note: This tween only affects a camera which is set to Perspective (3D Camera)

class  RaTweenNearClipPlane
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Near Clipping Plane of a Camera More...
class  RaTweenOrthoSize
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Orthographic Size of a Camera

‍Note: This tween only affects a camera which is set to Orthographic (2D Camera)

class  RaTweenRect
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween handles the logics of tweening the Rect of a Camera

‍Note: You can have it target the Pixel Rect by calling RaTweenRect.SetPixelRect(bool)
Note: RaTweenUtilExtensions for all extension methods
