class | RaTweenAngle |
| A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Angle of a Light More...
class | RaTweenColor |
| A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween handles the logics of tweening the Color of a Light
Note: This can also be used for fading logics
Note: RaTweenUtilExtensions for all extension methods
class | RaTweenIntensity |
| A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Intensity of a Light More...
class | RaTweenRange |
| A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Range of a Light More...