RaTweening 1.0.0
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RaTweening.Core Namespace Reference


class  RaTweenEasing
 Util class that handles the logics of RaEasingType More...
class  RaTweeningEngine
 This DontDestroyOnLoad - Singleton handles the progressing through all tweens registered to it. Tweens are Registered to the engine by calling their RaTweenUtilExtensions.Play<TweenT>(TweenT) method. This class does its work automatically by the internal systems and is not required to be manually called by the user.

‍Note: By Default, a tween runs in RealTime. To change it to GameTime, call RaTweenUtilExtensions.SetToGameTime<TweenT>(TweenT) on that tween.

class  RaTweeningProcessor
 The Processor can be used to manually handle the states of tweens which have been registered to it. It completely handles all the state related logics such as handling their delays, lifetime, evaluations and all other state related aspects. This system is used by RaTweeningEngine and RaTweenSequence to handle their internal tweens.

‍Note: By Default, a tween runs in RealTime. To change it to GameTime, call RaTweenUtilExtensions.SetToGameTime<TweenT>(TweenT) on that tween.

class  RaTweenMaterialColorBase
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Color of a Material More...
class  RaTweenMaterialFloatBase
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Float of a Material More...
class  RaTweenMaterialOffsetBase
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the TextureOffset of a Material More...
class  RaTweenMaterialScaleBase
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the TextureScale of a Material More...
class  RaTweenMaterialVector4Base
 A RaTweenDynamic<TargetT, ValueT> tween that is the base class that handles the logics of tweening the Vector4 Property of a Material More...
class  RaTweenModifier
 Util class that handles the logics of RaModifierType More...
class  RaTweenProgressor
class  RaTweenPunchBase
 This is the base class of the tweens that handle the logics of tweening a Target's Punch Value More...
class  RaTweenShakeBase
 This is the base class of the tweens that handle the logics of tweening a Target's Shake Value More...